Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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A. Winter,  F. Hamdi ,  A. Eichhöfer,  K. Saalwächter,  P. L. Kastritis, F. Haase
"Enhancing structural control in covalent organic frameworks through steric interaction-driven linker design   "
Chem. Sci., 2024

O. Smirnova, S. Ojha, A. De, A. Schneemann, F. Haase, A Knebel
"Tiny windows in reticular nanomaterials for molecular sieving gas separation membranes   "
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2306202.

Z. Wang, A. Ozcan, G. A. Craig, F. Haase, T. Aoyama, D. Poloneeva,
K.  Horio, M. Higuchi, M.-S. Yao, C. M. Doherty, G. Maurin, K. Urayama, A.  Bavykina, S. Horike, J. Gascon, R. Semino, S. Furukawa,  
"Pore-   Networked Gels: Permanently Porous Ionic Liquid Gels with Linked Metal−Organic Polyhedra Networks   "
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 14456−14465

Z. Wang, G. A. Craig, A. Legrand, F. Haase, S. Minami, K. Urayama, S. Furukawa,
Porous Colloidal Hydrogels Formed by Coordination-Driven Self-Assembly of Charged Metal-Organic Polyhedra   
Chem Asian J. 2021, 16 (9), 1092–1100.

Z. Wang, C. V. Santos, A. Legrand, F. Haase, Y. Hara, K. Kanamori, T. Aoyama, K. Urayama, C.M. Doherty, G. J. Smales, B. R. Pauw, Y. J. Colón, S. Furukawa
Multiscale Structural Control of Linked Metal–Organic Polyhedra Gel by Aging-Induced Linkage-Reorganization   
Chem. Sci. 2021, 12 (38), 12556–12563.

R. Freund, S. Canossa, S. M. Cohen, W. Yan, H. Deng, V. Guillerm, M. Eddaoudi, D. G. Madden, D. Fairen-Jimenez, H. Lyu, L. K. Macreadie, Z. Ji, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, F. Haase, C. Wöll, O. Zaremba, J. Andreo, S. Wuttke, C. S. Diercks
25 years of Reticular Chemistry   
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021 60, 45, 23946-23974
Angew. Chem. 2021 133, 45, 24142-24173

S. Trenker, L. Grunenberg, T. Banerjee, G. Savasci, L.M. Poller, K.I.M. Muggli, F. Haase, C. Ochsenfeld, B.V. Lotsch
A flavin-inspired covalent organic framework for photocatalytic alcohol oxidation   
Chem. Sci. 2021, 12 (45), 15143-15150

F. Haase* and B. V. Lotsch*
Solving the COF trilemma: towards crystalline, stable and functional covalent organic frameworks   
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2020, 49, 8469-8500

F. Haase*, G. Craig, M. Bonneau, K. Sugimoto, S. Furukawa*
Pseudo-5-Fold-Symmetrical Ligand Drives Geometric Frustration in Porous Metal-Organic and Hydrogen-Bonded Frameworks   
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 32, 13839–13845

A. M. Pütz, M. W. Terban, S. Bette, F. Haase, R. E. Dinnebier, B. V. Lotsch
Total scattering reveals the hidden stacking disorder in a 2D covalent organic framework   
Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 12647-12654

J. Maschita, T. Banerjee, G. Savasci, F. Haase, C. Ochsenfeld, B. V. Lotsch
Ionothermal Synthesis of Imide-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks   
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 36, 15750-15758
Angew. Chem. 2020, 132, 36, 15880-15888

F. Haase, P. Hirschle, R. Freund, S. Furukawa, Z. Ji, S. Wuttke
Beyond Frameworks: Structuring Reticular Materials across Nano, Meso, and Bulk Regimes   
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 50, 22350-22370
Angew. Chem.
2020, 132, 50 22534-22556

E. Troschke, C. Kensy, F. Haase, S. Dörfler, Y. Joseph, B. V. Lotsch, S. Kaskel
Mechanistic insights into the role of covalent triazine frameworks as cathodes in lithium-sulfur batteries   
Batteries & Supercaps 2020, 3, 1069 – 1079

P. Alexa, J. M. Lombardi, P. Abufager, H. F. Busnengo, D. Grumelli, V. S. Vyas, F. Haase, B. V. Lotsch, R. Gutzler, K. Kern
Enhancing hydrogen evolution activity of Au(111) in alkaline media through molecular engineering of a 2D polymer   
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 8411-8415
Angew. Chem. 2020, 132, 22, 8489-8493

F. Podjaski, D. Weber, S. Zhang, L. Diehl, R. Eger, V. Duppel, E. Alarcón-Lladó, G. Richter, F. Haase, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, C. Scheu and B. V. Lotsch
Rational strain engineering in delafossite oxides for highly efficient hydrogen evolution catalysis in acidic media   
Nat Catal 2020, 3, 55–63.

T. Banerjee, F. Haase, S. Trenker, B. Biswal, G. Savasci, V. Duppel, I. Moudrakovski, C. Ochsenfeld, B. V. Lotsch
equal contribution
Sub-stoichiometric 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks from Tri- and Tetratopic Linkers   
Nat. Comm. 2019, 10:2689.

F. Haase, E. Troschke, G. Savasci, T. Banerjee, V. Duppel, S. Dörfler, M. Grundei, A. M. Burow, C. Ochsenfeld, S. Kaskel, B. V. Lotsch,
Topochemical conversion of an imine-   into a thiazole-linked covalent organic framework enabling real-structure analysis   
Nat. Comm. 2018, 9:2600.

T. Banerjee, F. Haase, G. Savasci, K. Gottschling, C. Ochsenfeld and B. V. Lotsch
Single Site Photocatalytic H2 Evolution from Covalent Organic Frameworks with Molecular Cobaloxime Co-catalysts   
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139 (45), 16228–16234.

F. Haase, T. Banerjee, G. Savasci, C. Ochsenfeld, B. V. Lotsch
Structure-property-activity relationships in a pyridine containing  azine-linked covalent organic framework for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution   
Faraday Discuss. 2017, 201, 247–264.

F. Haase, K. Gottschling, L. Stegbauer, L.S. Germann, R. Gutzler, V. Duppel, V. S. Vyas, K. Kern, R. E. Dinnebier, B. V. Lotsch
Tuning the stacking behaviour of a 2D covalent organic framework through non-covalent interactions   
Mater. Chem. Front. 2017, 1, 1354−1361.

V. Baumann, P. Röttgermann, F. Haase, K. Szendrei, P. Dey, K. Lyons, R. Wyrwich, M. Gräßel, J. Stehr, L. Ullerich, F. Bürsgensd, J. Rodríguez‑Fernández
Highly stable and biocompatible gold nanorod–DNA conjugates as NIR probes for ultrafast sequence-selective DNA melting   
RSC Advances 2016, 6, 103724-103739.

V. Vyas, M. Vishwakarma, I. Moudrakovski, F. Haase, G. Savasci, C. Ochsenfeld, J.P. Spatz, B. V. Lotsch
Exploiting non-covalent interactions in an imine-covalent organic framework for quercetin delivery   
Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 8749–8754.

V. S. Vyas, F. Haase, L. Stegbauer, G. Savasci, F. Podjaski, C. Ochsenfeld, B. V. Lotsch
A Tunable Azine-Covalent Organic Framework Platform for Visible Light-Induced Hydrogen Generation   
Nat. Comm. 2015, 6:8508.

A. Ranft, S. Betzler, F. Haase, B. V. Lotsch
Additive-mediated size control of MOF nanoparticles   
CrystEngComm 2013, 15 (45), 9296–9300.

V. Müller, F. Haase, J. Rathousky, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing
Surface functionalization of mesoporous antimony doped tin oxide by metalorganic reaction   
Mater. Chem. Phys. 2012, 137, 207–212.

E. Flügel, A. Ranft, F. Haase, B. V. Lotsch
Synthetic routes toward MOF nanomorphologies   
J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 10119-10133.
