Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Job Opportunities in the Weissenborn Group

We are always looking for motivated scientists to join us here in the Weissenborn Group!

Bachelors and Masters students are always welcome to carry out a project here in the group, which can also be carried out in collaboration with other working groups.

Official PhD and Postdoc job opportunities will be listed below, but if there are none available then please still write to Prof. Weissenborn if you are interested in joining the group. Funding sometimes suddenly appears, and we are open to writing a grant application together.

If you are interested in joining the group, please write to Prof. Weissenborn at .

Current Bachelors and Masters Projects

AG Weissenborn Bachelor- Master-Arbeiten

AG Weissenborn Bachelor- Master-Arbeiten

AG Weissenborn Bachelor- Master-Arbeiten

There are a number of available projects for Bachelors and Masters projects. Read the document below for more information and get in touch with us for a chat if you're interested!
AG Weissenborn verfügbare Projekte.pdf (338,4 KB)  vom 13.02.2024

Current PhD Opportunities

AG Weissenborn PhD Advert

AG Weissenborn PhD Advert

AG Weissenborn PhD Advert

We are currently looking for two PhD students to join our research group. Applications will be reviewed by 29.2.2024. Further information is available here:
Updated AG Weissenborn (bio)chemistry PhD advert.pdf (19,6 MB)  vom 12.02.2024

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